Publication of the Collected Papers of the International Symposium on Historical Research of Plank Roads and Applications of 3S Technology


Brief Description:

An International Symposium entitled “Symposium on Plank Road Research and Applications of 3S Technology” was held in Hanzhong between May 16 and 18 in 2007. In this Symposium, in addition to papers on the latest findings in Shu Road and Plank Road research, the potential benefits of 3S (remote sensing, GPS and GIS) to historical research and the specific study of the Plank Roads were discussed. The Symposium heard 25 papers with 8 papers being from guest experts. The speakers addressing 3S technology presented their experience with 3S in archaeology and well-known experts in the history of the Plank Roads outlined the current state of historical, literary and geographical knowledge. The English language papers in the proceedings were translated into Chinese and the abstracts of the Chinese language papers as well as the introductory and closing speeches were translated into English. The Collected Papers were published by the People’s Education Press in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province PR China in May, 2008. The book was published as part of an international cooperative project called “The application of 3S technology to the protection and utilisation of famous historical sites” undertaken by the Hanzhong city Museum, the Institute of Soil and Water Conservation of CAS in Shaanxi and the University of NSW in Australia. The project was also financially supported by the Shaanxi Bureau of Cultural Relics and the Australia-China Council.



Book Cover - Click to enlarge display

Book Cover (click to enlarge image)

Publication Information:


栈道历史研究与 3S 技术应用国际学术研讨会论文集


ISBN 978-7-5419-9375-6


All enquires regarding obtaining copies of the book should be addressed to:


Feng Suiping (冯岁平)

Director, Hanzhong City Museum

Phone: +86 916 2231502



Contents of the Book:




Zhou Zhenhe: Address to the Opening Ceremony of the International Symposium on Historical Research of Plank Roads and Applications of 3S Technology

[澳]贾大卫、李布朗、[中]李锐、冯岁平:3S技术在栈道研究中的应用。I: 地理、地质和历史背景, II: 3S技术与澳中合作项目

[Australia] David Jupp, Brian Lees, [China] Li Rui and Feng Suiping: The Application of 3S Technology to Plank Road research and development of spatial information systems in the Qinling and Daba Mountains. I. Geographical, Geological and Historical Background, II. 3S Technology and the Australia-China Project.

[美] 马瑞诗:秦岭边境和古代中国西部国土的开辟

[USA] Ruth Mostern: The Qinling Frontier and the Creation of Imperial Space in Western China

[澳] 克里斯托弗·卡特、 [智利] 卡洛乔·圣多罗·瓦加斯:印加的官道

[Australia] Christopher Carter and [Chile] Calogero Santoro Vargas: The Royal Roads of the Inka


[Australia] Christopher Carter: Tourism and Inka Trails


[Hong Kong] Li Hongga and Huang Bo: 3D Visualization and Real-time Simulation of Historical Sites


[Australia] Brian Lees: The Language and Grammar of Maps


[Taiwan] Tien-Yin Chou: Using Multi-Scale Spatial Data in Environmental Monitoring and Management

[新西兰] 张国伦、 王沛欣:利用PPGIS实现考察地点的重组

[New Zealand] Alan Kwok Lun Cheung and Paulina Wong: Reconstructing historical sites using a web-based PPGIS Approach

[澳]安德鲁·威尔逊: 3S数据的收集、保存和显示--悉尼大学考古计算实验室研究项目实例

[Australia] Andrew Wilson: Collection, storage and presentation of 3S data: some examples from the Sydney University Archaeological Computing Laboratory


Li Zhiqin: Rectification of 12 Historical Records on Ancient Road in the Qinling Mountain Region


Yang Dongchen: Traffic roads as the lifelines of the Qinling-Bashan Mountain region in China


Li Ye: A broad overview of the Traffic in the Hanzhong Basin during Prehistoric Times


Si Dangshe and Zhou Zhenhe: Early history of the Old Road: exposition based on archaeological evidence


Wang Zijin: Inferences on the structural form and transportation capability of the Lanqiao River’s plank road on the Wuguan route


Sun Qixiang: Study on the Evolution of the Route of the Ancient Jinniu Road


Liang Tingbao: Micang Road - the North Gate of Ba-shu Region


Huang Baozhu: The Mystery of whether Stone Gate was cut using the technique of “Huo Shao Shui Ji” (baking fire and dousing water)


Guo Rongzhang: Discussion of questions arising from changes to the route of Baoxie Road


Liu Jie: Analysis of “Baocheng Post Station” written by Sun Qiao in the Tang Dynasty


Liang Zhongxiao: Shu Road Traffic and the spread of Tea Culture Based on Investigations in the Song Dynasty


Wang Jingyuan: Study of the Travel Notes between Qin and Shu by Lu You


Ma Qiang: The Evaluation of Wildlife in the Vicinity of the Shu Roads in the Tang and Song Dynasties


Feng Suiping: A rare Qing Dynasty picture scroll of the Lianyun plank road - On Dang Juyi and his painting Yunzhantu


Shi Changcheng and Zhang Shujun: Shipping activities in the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Hanjiang River in the Qing Dynasty


Sun Qixiang: Qinling Mountains and Shu Rivers in one Picture --A review of the Annotation of “Zhan Yun Xia Yu Gao” by Feng Suiping


Guo Peng: Study of the Status of the Hanzhong Stone Gate Inscriptions in the History of Chinese Calligraphy


Zhang Dong: The Historical Sites of Three kingdoms on the Ancient Shu Roads— Ma Chao and His Memorial Temple


Li Ye: Summary and Outcomes of “The International Symposium on Plank Road Research and Applications of 3S Technology”



Summary and outcomes (English) by Li Ye:


Summary and Outcomes of “The International Symposium on Plank Road Research and Applications of 3S Technology” by Li Ye (Hanzhong Committee for the Management of Historical and Cultural Relics, Shaanxi Province)


The International Symposium on Plank Road Research and Applications of 3S Technology was held in Hanzhong at the Hongye Hotel from May 16 to May 18, 2007. The symposium was organised jointly by the Municipal Government of Hanzhong City, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Soil and Water Conservation in Yangling, the Australia-China Council Project, the University of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia and the Hanzhong Museum. Thirty-four scholars attended the symposium from many organisations including Sydney University and the University of NSW in Australia, Auckland University in New Zealand, the University of California at Merced in the USA, Hongkong Chinese University, Fengjia University in Taiwan, the Institute of Soil and Water Conservation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Yangling, Shanghai Fudan University,  the Northwest University of Xi'an, Beijing Normal University, Southwest University at Chongqing, Shaanxi History Museum in Xi'an, Ankang City Museum, Hanzhong Museum as well as all of the cultural institutes of Hanzhong. All of those attending were well-known scholars in their fields and everyone came together in good spirit and made good progress and exchange on questions relating to Plank Road history and the applications of 3S technology. Everyone offered their different views and ways of thinking to develop the discussion and arrive at a consensus of mutual exchange and common goals. The symposium included different areas of science and its overall activities were divided into two parts. One involved plenary sessions and presentation of papers as well as interchange and discussions and the other involved visits to sites with important cultural relics. The Symposium attracted 26 papers with 20 being presented in plenary. Field inspections included the complete course of the Baoxie Road, with a point of focus on the Stone Gate Relics at Jitou Pass as well as in Hanzhong Museum. They also included the Wuhou (Zhuge Liang) Tomb, the Wuhou Temple, the Lingyan Temple and the Temple of the River God (near Lueyang) and other historical sites.


The meeting papers and outcomes can be considered in three groupings. The first group included new results from research into Plank Roads. Professor Li Zhiqin's presentation “Rectification of 12 Historical Records of Ancient Roads in the Qinling Mountain Region” is the result of many years of field investigation and research. This research has examined the Chinese classics in etymology such as the “Ciyuan”, “Cihai” and “Yuanhe Junxian Zhi” and modern dictionaries of the ancient Qinling roads to locate errors and differences in the locations of places and suggest corrections. This has placed Plank Road research on a rigorous footing. Liang Zhongxiao's presentation “Shu Road Traffic and the spread of Tea Culture Based on Investigations in the Song Dynasty” and Ma Qiang's presentation “The evaluation of wildlife in the vicinity of the Shu roads in the Tang and Song Dynasties” extend the reach of the Plank Roads and add information from the broad point of view of the eco-environment. Li Ye' presentation “A broad overview of Traffic in the Hanzhong Basin during Prehistoric Times” and Shi Dangshe's presentation “Early history of the Old Road: an exposition based on archaeological evidence” use archaeological materials to develop information about ancient roads and allow Plank Road research to reach back to prehistoric times. Professor Ruth Mostern from the USA presented “The Qinling Frontier and the Creation of Imperial Space in Western China” and used a unique view to study the ancient traffic though the Qinling based on historical geography. Christopher Carter from Australia presented two papers “The Royal Roads of the Inca & Tourism and the Inca Trails” introducing the case of the ancient relic roads of the Inca in South America, their current conservation and place in the cultural heritage of the world as well as the parallel development of tourism. He made important comparisons with the Baoxie Road. Other scholars discussed how the Baoxie Road has changed, how Shimen was cut, the calligraphy of cliff inscriptions, travel notes made by ancient travellers, paintings and artistic materials and made significant observations and contributions.


The second group moved ancient Plank road research into new areas. Andrew Wilson from Australia presented “Collection, storage and presentation of 3S data: some examples from the Sydney University Archaeological Computing Laboratory”. He gave an introduction to the University of Sydney's applications of 3S technology using examples from archaeology and presented the “Timemap” software. Zhou Tianyin from Fengjia University in Taiwan presented “Using Multi-Scale Spatial Data in Environmental Monitoring and Management”. He described the use of 3S technology in Taiwan for land management and the collection of information for a successful application to planning village development. Zhang Guolun from New Zealand presented “Reconstructing historical sites using a web-based PPGIS Approach”. He described his current research on the use of public participation Geographic Information Systems and some management problems they face. Li Hongga from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Huang Bo from the Chinese University of Hong Kong presented “3D Visualization and Real-time Simulation of Historical Sites”. They described how they constructed an information system for the ancient Batai architectural complex at Ganzhou in Jiangxi, setting up a virtual model with 3D views and real-time fly-through to support their project. Brian Lees from Australia presented “The language and grammar of maps” outlining important issues and problems in the theory of application of 3S technology.


The third aspect will make a new start in Plank Road research. The joint report from the Australian CSIRO, University of NSW, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Soil and Water conservation and Hanzhong Museum  entitled “ The Application of 3S Technology to Plank Road research and development of spatial information systems in the Qinling and Daba Mountains “ describes initial results of the use of 3S technology applied to Shu Road research. It develops ideas for future application of geographic Information technology using GPS and remote sensing data to the Shu Roads and cultural sites around Hanzhong. It created great interest among the participants. Now the International Symposium on Plank Road Research and Applications of 3S technology has been convened. It has given a new meaning to Hanzhong's cultural preservation and Plank Road research. The symposium also provided the opportunity for Hanzhong to show its historical cultural heritage to the world and it can be the first step to enter the mainstream of western culture. At the same time it can also lead to increased academic interchange, scientific research and tourism development. This symposium is part of the cooperative project between China and Australia and has been financially supported by the Australia-China Council. The next step is to build an initial information base and analyse specific regions of Shu Roads, thereby providing a model for some aspects of the application of 3S technology to the conservation of cultural relics.



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